
March meeting cancelled

The meeting originally scheduled for this Friday, March, 20, 2020, has been cancelled per public health guidance. We will evaluate and communicate plans for the April meeting closer to the meeting date, based on the latest guidance. Until then, take care!

Meeting Report

January 2020 Meeting Report

President Kevin Smith called the January meeting of the Assembly 12 to order that was held at Eagle Magic and Joke Store. The fourteen members attending included: Kevin Smith, Paul Black, Brad Gudim, Larry Kahlow, Tom O’Lenick, David Stahl, Drew Hanson, Todd Anderson, Adam Moore, Manny Betinis, Don Bursell, Jerry Martin, Paul Cook, and Roger Schmitt.  

A short business meeting included our current Treasurer’s report (about $2400 is available for events and lectures), an idea for a fundraising event and discussion about meeting dates and nights. Larry Kahlow agreed to be committee chair to look into possible lectures. Brad Gudim will head up a committee to discuss fundraising options for the group. No changes were made regarding our regular Friday meeting nights. Our next meeting date was changed to Friday, Feb 28th.  

Performances followed. Manny Betinis asked a question about which type of sponge ball vanish of two he demonstrated was perfered by the group. Drew Hanson produced a flaming business card from his wallet and did an effect that used the timer app on a cell phone. Don Bursell performed Ben Blau’s “Unphased,” a card matching effect.  Adam Moore did a clever book test using a Harry Potter book. Tom O’Lenick showed a new booklet written by Nick Diffatte called “Funny,” now in its second printing.  And finally, new member Roger Schmitt had a card selected which matched another in an envelop using the “Bernard Billis Switch”. 

Coffee, chocolate chip cookies and other treats were enjoyed by the members with continued fellowship by everyone until late in the evening. Our next meeting will be the annual  SAM Hocus-Pocus Assembly 12 auction. Sort through your stuff to sell and we will see you on Friday, Feb 28th.  

Roger Schmidt performs for those attending the monthly meeting.
Meeting Announcements

Feb meeting/auction 1 week later

This month’s meeting will be held on the fourth (not the third) Friday and it will be the …

Friday, February 28, 2020
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
at Eagle Magic, 11995 County Road 11, Burnsville


  • Assembly 12 members who have paid their local dues ($15) for 2019–2020 may participate for FREE!
  • There is a $5 fee for any non-Assembly 12 member (buyer or seller).

Speed up check-in on auction night and REGISTER ONLINE


  • Fee allows you to bid on any auction items
  • Bring cash or checks


  • Fee allows you to sell any auction items.
  • Sellers go in registration order.
  • Each seller will have a limited time. Please bundle smaller items and be prepared with a minimum bid for each item (if desired).
  • Sellers will pay Assembly 12 a commission of 10% of the selling price.
  • All accounts are settled at the END of the auction.
  • Sellers will be paid with cash and/or check.



January 2020 Meeting

Our January meeting will be held this Friday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m. at Eagle Magic in Burnsville, MN. (It’s 4 lights east of 35W on Hwy 13, southeast corner, next door to the BP gas station.) Bring potluck “snacks” to share.

Our performance theme is Something New You Learned Over The Holidays. Our “Round Table Discussion Effect” Is The Gypsy Thread. Bring your favorite routines, ideas, or questions.

We’re also going to talk about potentially changing the day of our meetings–several people have brought this up–so if you have strong opinions please attend! We’ll see you on Friday!

Meeting Announcements

Holiday gathering with a “Magical Gift Exchange” on Friday, December 13th in Minnetonka

All SAM, members, IBM members, and other local magicians are welcome to attend.

This event will be held at the Regency Wood’s Community Room at 2200 Plymouth Road in Minnetonka (just west of the Ridgedale Center Mall). We will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Please bring some food to share with the group.

Also, please bring a wrapped magic gift valued at $15 to $20 for the “Magical Gift Exchange.” It should be a “complete” performable trick (with instructions) in good condition, a magic book or pamphlet, a magic DVD, or magic memorabilia item. We will play a game for the wrapped gifts. Open them. Then everyone will have a chance to “steal” someone else’s present.

The community room has a small mini 12-seat theater. If you would like to bring a small performance, please do so. If we have time, we’ll do a round table discussion on Scotch and Soda (or Dime and Penny). Feel free to bring your favorite routine or ideas.

It promises to be an evening full of holiday fun. Please plan to attend. Bring a magic friend or family member! Don’t forget to bring a wrapped gift and food to share with everyone.

Meeting Announcements

November Meeting

Our November meeting will be held this Friday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m. at Eagle Magic in Burnsville, MN. (It’s 4 lights east of 35W on Hwy 13, southeast corner, next door to the BP gas station.) Bring potluck “snacks” to share. Our last minute theme is Magic with Something You Can Wear, like hats, socks, shoelaces, coats, scarves, rings, watches, etc.

Meeting Announcements

October Meeting

The next SAM Assembly #12 meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 18th at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be held at the Regency Apartments Community Room, 2200 Plymouth Road in Minnetonka (just west of Ridgedale Mall). Magic Brad Gudim will be our host. The monthly performance theme: “Numbers, Cards, Dice: Pick Two!” Also, please remember to bring a snack to share with the group following the preforming. See you soon!

Meeting Report

September Meeting Report

The SAM Assembly #12 resumed regular monthly meetings with the the September gathering. It was well attended with 15 magicians, many of whom performed for the group. Attending: president Tom O’Lenick; VP, Larry Kahlow; Paul Ladig; Tom Faggerstrom; Jerry Martin; Jack Boyd; Paul Cook; Paul Black; Kevin Smith; Dan Witkowski; Todd Anderson; Brad Gudim; Mike Platt; Adam Moore; and Emmanuel Betinis. 

The group discussions were very lively as everyone assembled prior to the official business and performance. The group agreed to hold the October (Fri.,10/18) and December (Fri.,12/13) meetings at the Regency Apartments Community Room at 2200 Plymouth Road in Minnnetonka. The November meeting (Fri.,11/15) will be at Eagle Magic and Joke store in Burnsville (our usual location).

As a final order of business, elections were held. A big “THANK YOU” to Kevin Smith who was unanimously elected as the new club President. Larry Kahlow will continue as Vice-president. The gavel will be passed and pounded at the next meeting.

Performances by Brad Gudim showing “Lucid Dreams” caused a photograph to change magically into a selected card. Mike Platt demonstrated a Paul Richards card effect called “Coersion.” Jack Boyd did a four ace assembly and finished with “Doonebury Delight.” Adam Moore and Manny Betinis also performed. 

Jennifer Kahlow, Paul Ladig and Jerry Martin provided snacks and cookies for the group following the demonstration of magic tricks. Mingling continued well into the later evening. 

Adam Moore collects dues!
Mike Platt performs a card trick while Paul Ladig, Tom Faggerstrom, Magic Brad Gudim and Tom O’Lenick watch closely.
Magic Brad Gudim is going to fine the spectators card with “Lucid Dreams.”
Paul Black happily holds “The Eagle Magician” published by Eagle Magic. Jack Boyd sits in the background.
Meeting Announcements

September Meeting

After a beautiful summer, its time to get the magic rolling again for the SAM Assembly #12 Hocus-Pocus Club.  Our next meeting will be Friday, September 20th at 7pm at Eagle Magic and Joke Store in Burnsville. The theme will be “something you acquired, created or learned magical during the hiatus.” Plan on joining the group and be ready for some fun! Also, please give thought to stepping up to help out SAM #12 as an officer because elections will be coming up very soon! See you in September.

Meeting Report

SAM June Meeting

At one of our recent SAM Assembly #12 meetings the group decided to have an upcoming meeting at the same time as the Minneapolis Magic Collector’s Expo at the Doubletree Hotel in Minneapolis. So we set about to get together at the Expo in Mid June. President Tom O’Lenick got permission from Expo organizers David Sandy and Bill Smith to allow the group to attend member Larry Kahlow’s presentation on the History of Eagle Magic and Joke Store (now the oldest remaining brick and mortar magic shop in the United States) at the Expo.

Those that attended are shown in this group picture. Larry and Jennifer Kahlow, Tom Fagerstrom,  Kevin Smith, Brad Gudim, Tom O’Lenick, Paul Black, Paul Ladig, Drew Hanson, Jerry Martin, Steve and Sandy Meyer.

The SAM Assembly #12 now embarks upon its summertime hiatus until September. Until then, best magical wishes!