M-U-M Reports

April & the 3 of C

April 16, 2010, Burnsville, MN — The theme of our April meeting was to contemplate and celebrate the magical properties of the three of clubs (Tarot meaning of comprehension; also favorite forced card of Penn & Teller).

Adam Moore performed “Thinking Cap,” where the group “somehow” divined the 3C. Steven Peer premiered “Emote,” a mind-reading effect he’d just learned at a Tyler Erickson workshop. Dave Taylor shared his love of strait jackets and handcuffs; then flawlessly dealt out Don Allen’s “Big Deal.” Host and Eagle Magic Shop owner Larry Kahlow performed “Stop Trick” where, incredibly, the spectator dealt to the 3C! Darnay told a charming story-effect about his trip to NYC where he was introduced to the 3 card monte (Tonte’s version). Charlie revisited Zen’s classic card & envelope trick, “My Fifteen Card Trick.”

Last up, Jack Nordin took us back in time as he slowly assembled a beautiful, vintage, brass P&L magician’s table (just one in his vast collection). On that table, Jack performed his vintage, Thayer-made “Blue Phantom” effect.

Meeting Announcements

Officer Nominations at Tonight’s Meeting

Our April meeting will be held on the 16th at 7:30. Eagle Magic will continue to be our host. The theme is [a secret — see your newsletter]. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate. You are also encouraged to bring a snack to share. We may be taking nominations for next year’s officers, so remember the saying “throw the rascals out” and consider how you might want to serve.

M-U-M Reports

Hecklers & Disasters

Whether Karma, a poor night’s sleep, or unaccounted variables, things happen to undermine our otherwise “perfect” performances. Tonight was a retelling of such disasters.

Dave Taylor shared when 8-year olds – hopped-up on soda and confronted by the sassy patter of Hippity-Hop rabbits – rushed the stage.  Thank God for the chicken wire.

Jerry Martin told how he recovered from his finger chopper effect when he inadvertently selected a woman who was missing two fingers.

Sandy Meyer retooled some classic effects in St. Patrick’s day “clothing” including the Professor’s nightmare and Grandma’s necklace.

Steven Peer played the “Mr Obvious” role with his caution (from personal experience) never to accept a one-hour kid’s show.

Eagle Magic shop owner (and meeting host) Larry Kahlow shared “hip-hop” Hippity-Hop patter and a few dove disasters. He also explained how he controls children’s shows by playing past the kids to the parents.

Aaron Timmerman was brief, yet succinct in his observation that relatives can make the worst audience.

Towards avoiding problems with floating bill effects, Kenny Shank walked us through his quest to find the perfect ITR.

Adam Moore retold when his sub trunk nearly “truncated” the evening. Then he performed his multiplying billiard balls routine in order to replay one evening of heckler’s comments.

Darnay observed that heckling, over the years, has diminished as magic has grown in respect. From his newspaper archives, he recited some classic heckler-comebacks used by Henny Youngman.

Lastly, Jerry told us of a show he’d never forget for returning WWII amputees and one man’s resolve when he went to clap for the first time, realized he couldn’t, and instantly adapted by clapping his lone hand to his knee.

Meeting Announcements

March Meeting: Hecklers and/or Disasters

Our March meeting will take place on the 19th at Eagle Magic. Time is 7:30. We would really like everyone to participate. For a theme we came up with hecklers or disasters (or a combination). Please come with something to perform and something to eat.

M-U-M Reports

Assembly 12 had a “sponge-worthy” evening

February 19, 2010:
The theme of sponge-magic began with Bruce Kilber using a coin purse-frame to produce sponge balls. Dave Taylor explained that he prefers square shaped sponges as, “they don’t roll away.” Adam Moore performed Color Changing Ball to Jumbo Square and shared the success-story of his first Super-X levitation utilizing a volunteer. Host Larry Kahlow gave us a wonderful history of sponge magic and samples of today’s varieties. Both Larry and David Stahl shared Al Goshman stories that we won’t repeat. Darnay gave us a peek at (perhaps) the word’s largest sponge-rabbit.

The evening wasn’t all sponge magic. Brent Andera introduced us to PowerBall-60, the Sander’s/Abbott retooling of the classic magic number square prediction effect.

Joe Otto demonstrated one way to stop annoying cell-phone interruptions with his cell-phone into water bottle penetration. David Stahl demonstrated a delightful bill packet switch.

Kenny Shank performed the illuminating 4-lamp, switchbox effect and Jack Nordin shared from his collection of Chinese sticks, the square fishing poles.

It was after all the formal presentations, in a corner of the room where, surrounded, Tom O’Lenick quietly and casually held an ordinary brass bolt while the nut slowly and magically unscrewed into a spectator’s hand (all to be instantly examined). What a way to end the evening. [ now available]

Assembly 12 members riveted on sponge-magic
Assembly 12 members riveted on sponge-magic
Meeting Announcements

Sponge Magic This Friday

The February meeting will take place on the 19th at Larry’s Place. Time is 7:30 p.m. The theme is sponge magic. We hate them but we use them. When you drop one they don’t clank like a coin and they are very easy to manipulate. If you don’t have some see Larry. Geoff has some very nice routines in his notes. They work better with kids and drunks than coins. You can name them or call them what ever you want (see Steve for details). Be prepared to demonstate and don’t forget the snacks.

Meeting Announcements

January meeting

Our January meeting will take place on the 15th at Larry’s place. Bring something to show and to share. Our honorable vice president may have a surprise. Remember everyone performs. Not planning on chili as Sandys’ a bit under the weather.


Broken Wand: Donn French


Donn French
Donn French

Donn D. French age 80, of Bloomington, formerly of St. Louis Park. Survived by children, David French, Carrie (Larry) Haslerud, and John (Debra) French; grandchildren, Chet and Alysa Haslerud and Ava French; significant other, Rita Lee; sister, Joan (Bill) Robinson; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by wife, Mary. Donn was a member of S.A.M., I.B.M., Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and the Minnetonka Men’s Chorus.


Magicians Banquet set for Jan. 17

From Brian Alexander:

I just wanted to let you all know that the date for the annual magicians banquet is now set for Sunday, January 17, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. If anyone would like more information, or be placed on the Evite invitation list, please contact me at

Thanks and I hope to see you there.

Meeting Announcements

Meeting tonight!

If you need a theme, bring something using a wallet. If not, just bring something to show and share. See you at Eagle Magic at 7:30pm.