Instead of our regular October meeting, we will host a magic auction. All magicians are welcome. There will be flat fee of a $5 to bid and/or sell. This will be waived for Assembly 12 members who have paid their local dues for 2011–2012. (Haven’t paid your dues? You can do so at the door.) In the interest of time, we ask that sellers bundle smaller items as the opening bid will be $5. This event will support the Assembly with a 10% commission on all sales.
Our February meeting will take place on the 18th. Our theme wil be magic we have learned from Jerry Johnson. All are invited to perform. Sandy will be bringing chili.
Our January meeting will take place on the 21st at Eagle Magic. Our theme is ventriloquism. We may have a special guest who is actually well versed in the art. Sorry to say no chili as Sandy has been carried away by Methodists. 😉 Please come and be prepared to talk to yourself. Bringing refreshments and random pieces of deception is also encouraged. See you at 7:30 p.m.
Our Nov. meeting will take place on the 19th @ Eagle Magic. We will have a lecure by Steve Daly. He lives and works in Las Vegas and has just signed a deal to do his comedy hypnosis show at the Riviera. He has relatives in Iowa and is orgainizing “abraCorndabra” a magic convention in Altoona on May 20–21. Featured acts will include Jade, Tom Burgoon, and The Great Tomsoni. Tom O’lenick brought him to our attention.
The first meeting of S.A.M. Assembly #12 for the 2010-11 year took place September 17th at Eagle Magic Store, working loosely around a “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” theme. Jerry Martin led off with a rope trick in which a knot tied in the middle appears to jump off; Jerry’s effect was published in M-U-M 35 years ago, and will soon be featured on the S.A.M. National website. Dave Taylor presented a pair of gospel-themed illusions: one – his Pastor’s fave – shows how a broken direct phone line to God can be restored, and the other – one that looked a lot like an Egg Bag – was intended to be a Blackberry Spoiler. Adam Moore showed off a video his employer produced, in which Adam did a quick presentation of two scooters from a newspaper. Then, Steven Peer gave a demonstration of his “Made in America” elevator trick. Jack Nordin was next, using a 130-year-old magic table to present a slow-motion block penetration originally marketed by Town House Magic. The one and only Darnay the Magician followed with a bit of mind-reading with jumbo cards that had been surgically bisected; somehow, the two half-cards matched each other, as well as matching Darnay’s prediction. Larry Kahlow showed around a “Hot Rod” decoration, and talked about the vanish of a marked coin from a drinking glass, only to be found in the cash register’s till. Finally, Jim Rue rounded out the evening’s performances with the slow but inevitable vanish of three half dollars – very visual!
October 15th is the date for our next meeting. We are going to have an auction so clean out your closets and empty your trunks. Free for members, $5 for non members (you can join for $10). 10% goes to the club.
Our Sept. meeting will take place on the 17th at 7:30. The theme will be what you learned (and can demonstrate) over the summer. Remember the auction next month. Dues are also due.
Perhaps it was the theme of escapes or the lure of strait jackets that
attracted a record 20 people to our May meeting. Meeting notes of
interest include the reminder that we do not meet in June, July, or
August; and that valued member Geoff Williams will be moving to Florida.
Thanks to outgoing president Adam Moore and V.P. Steven Peer and congratulations to incoming president Jerry Martin and V.P. Mark Heinrich.
With the close of the meeting, Jack Nordin opened with the squeeze away blocks performed on a circa 1890 table that may have been owned by Houdini.
Darnay revealed the light and dark side of famed magician Jay Marshall.
Brent Andera performed a 5-phase ring & rope routine.
Dave Taylor, in full bi-wing pilot regalla, performed his rendition,
with permission, of Hank Moorehouse’s strait jacket escape (complete
with Dave Rose’s “The Stripper”).
In humorous style, Justin Alan performed two rope escapes.
Rick Ausland tap danced on a custom luggage-stage he’d invented. Adam Moore donned a strait jacket, but only for the 30 seconds it took to escape – the length of the musical excerpt from Mission: Impossible (see it here)
Mark Henrich, in homage to Indian- magician Kahn Be Singh, performed his “classic” ring-off-snake.
Geoff Williams performed a fiction-imitating-life version of cups and balls to poetry where three old men, in their “tubs”, somehow ended up retired to Florida.
Larry Anderson, circa 1970
Host and Eagle Magic Shop owner Larry Kahlow wrapped-up the evening retelling his 1970s death-defying antics of suspending “friend” Larry Anderson 5-stories over a downtown mall, in strait jacket, using only old, semi-rotten ski rope.
Our May meeting will take place on the 21st (not the 15th) at Eagle Magic. The theme is escapes with extra points for strait jackets. May is our month for elections so please give some thought as to how you can help our club. Come prepared to perform, socialize and snack. We will not be meeting again until September.