Meeting Announcements

Bring your change bag to this Friday’s meeting.

At our meeting on Friday, March 16, 2012, we will begin a new learning series where members are encouraged to bring any tips they may have on presentation or technique for a classic trick or prop. The topic for this month is change bags. Bring your change bags large and small, one- and two-handed, two- and three-way, with and without a zipper, traditional style and disguised as something normal (change cap anyone?). Then …

  • demonstrate any unique features,
  • offer a tip on handling this prop,
  • perform a routine that uses it,
  • talk about its history or that of change bags in general, or
  • recommend a related book or DVD.

Looking for ideas? Check out “Time for a Change” on page 52 of the January 2012 issue of M-U-M.

Whether or not you have anything change bag-related, come ready to learn something new and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow magicians.

S.A.M. Midwest Region

March S.A.M. Midwest RVP Newsletter

Unfortunately, it looks like the horrible weather we experienced last year is picking up where it left off. In just the last few days there have been reports of damaging tornadoes throughout the Midwest as well as in other parts of the country. If areas near you are affected, I urge you to do what you can to help out. Donating shows for fundraisers is wonderful. So is donating clothing, household items, labor and blood.

If you should find yourself personally affected by a disaster, remember that the S.A.M. may be able to help you. The S.A.M. offers assistance to magicians and allied artists through the Disaster Relief Fund. This is offered through the S.A.M. Magic Endowment Fund and is available to all magicians and allied artists (clowns, jugglers, ventriloquists, etc.). You do NOT need to be a member of the S.A.M. to apply for assistance. If you’ve lost property or magic props due to a disaster, contact For injury or illness aide, apply to the Houdini Fund by contacting For more information on these programs, visit the S.A.M. website at These programs are just two of the many reasons why I am proud to be a member of the S.A.M.

Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. What a great way to keep in touch! There are three Facebook pages you should be a part of. First is the S.A.M. Midwest RVP group. This is where I’ll keep you posted on the latest breaking news in the S.A.M. along with magical happenings in the Midwest. You can also post any news you have from your area and any other magic-related tidbits. You’ll also want to go to S.A.M. Compeers (Unofficial). Although it says “Unofficial”, it really is the OFFICIAL Facebook page. There’s a ton of interesting stuff on this page. Enjoy. Finally, the S.A.M. 2012 Annual Conference page will keep you up-to-date on the fantastic convention in Las Vegas this Summer.

Convention Registration Rates Increase On April 1st! No, this isn’t my attempt at an April Fool’s Day joke. Register for the convention now at the low price of just $250. After April 1st, it goes up to $275. Just last week it was announced that Fielding West is going to be the Master of Ceremonies at the convention’s gala show. Fielding is on the cover of this month’s Magic Magazine and is one of the funniest magicians you’ll ever see.

Other convention news: Convention information has been updated on the S.A.M. App. If you don’t have it, get it for free at the iTunes App Store. The convention is still looking for young talent to perform in the Stars of Tomorrow show at the convention. They’re looking for both close-up and stage performers. If you know someone between the ages of 7 and 17, have them (or their parents) get in touch with Marlene Clark. The Stars of Tomorrow application and information can be found at If you or your Assembly wants to run an ad in the 2012 Convention Program, the deadline to do so is April 23rd. These ads can congratulate officers, recognize David Copperfield as the honoree of the convention or promote your show, your product or your Assembly. Rates are very reasonable, too. Contact the program editor, David Goodsell at

I’d like to echo something that S.A.M. President Vinny Grosso mentioned in his article in this month’s M-U-M. I urge you to go out of your way to order something from one of our advertisers and then let them know you saw their ad in M-U-M. I just received a Bunny Tear Surprise that I ordered from I think it will be a great addition to my kid’s shows around Easter. I have my eye on a few other things advertised in M-U-M and when I buy, I’ll make sure I let the advertiser know that their ad is working. It’s a great way to prove the value of advertising in M-U-M.

There are a couple of great smaller conventions happening in the Midwest. The Branson Magic Bonanza is April 26-28 in Branson, Missouri. They always have a great line-up of acts and lecturers. Marty and Brenda Hahn do a wonderful job putting this convention on every year and it’s a lot of fun. Plus, it’s in Branson, which is a fun place to be anyway. Unfortunately, I’m unable to attend this year because of scheduling conflicts. However, I will be at AbraCORNdabra in Altoona, Iowa (just outside of Des Moines) May 18-20. Last year was the first year for this convention and they really hit it out of the park. Steve Daly is the driving force behind this convention and last year I was so impressed with everything. In fact, he asked for criticism of the convention, and the worst thing I could come up with was that there wasn’t a pitcher of water on a back table during one of the lectures. Seriously … that was the WORST thing. If you decide to go to AbraCORNdabra, look for me. I’d love to meet (or re-meet) you.

On March 17th I’m going to be representing you at the S.A.M. National Council meeting in Philadelphia. I’m sure I’m going to come back with lots of interesting news. So, you can either wait two weeks to find out about it in my next newsletter, or you can find out about it immediately on the S.A.M. Midwest RVP Facebook page.

I hope you, your family and your Assembly has a fun, profitable and safe month.

— Jeff Sikora
S.A.M. Midwest Regional Vice President


Magic Library Sale

I am a 30-year member of the S.A.M. and am moving to smaller quarters. I must reduce the size of my Magic Library. For the benefit of magicians I have listed 200 books on my Amazon Link (see below). New items are added daily. Kindly forward this information to your members so they can take advantage of this opportunity.

Thank you,
David Crasson


Illusion Show at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center

Hello Assembly 12 of the Society of American Magicians! I am writing to you on behalf of the Burnsville Performing Arts Center. On March 8th, 7:30 pm we have the unique opportunity to host a fantastic show, Spencers Theatre of Illusion! Theatre of Illusion is a fun filled, family friendly production filled with original magical creations designed exclusively for The Spencers. People levitate, walk through walls, vanish, and reappear. And in one illusion, the entire audience is asked to participate in a stunning, interactive mind reading experience!

I would love if you could pass this information along to your society at your next meeting, we would love for you all to attend! Tickets are Orchestra = $32.00 Adults; $29.00 Students and Seniors 62+
Balcony = $18.00 Adults; $15.00 Students and Seniors 62+.
Tickets may be purchased at the BPAC Box Office via Ticketmaster at 800-982-2787 or

S.A.M. Midwest Region

February S.A.M. Midwest RVP Newsletter

Isn’t the Midwest a wonderful place to live? Some of you are reading this in balmy weather while others are reading this with snow up to your knees. I fall into the latter category. Wherever you are and whatever the climate is, I hope you’re doing well.

I have some pretty exciting news for you. But first, I have to share my gratitude with some people. First of all, a big “Thank You” to Assembly #8 in St. Louis. I had the pleasure of lecturing for them on January 26th and had a wonderful time. From the time my plane landed to the time I took off the next day, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. They even included pictures of my lecture (and a very generous review) on their website, Thank you so much for your hospitality, Assembly #8. I also want to thank Assembly #293 in Lincoln for presenting me with a Certificate of Appreciation for my support of their Assembly. My first official duty when I became the Midwest RVP was to present Assembly #293 with their Charter. This Assembly holds a special place in my heart, and I am thrilled to see how active it is and how much it has grown. Finally, I have to thank my own Assembly, Assembly #7 in Omaha for presenting me with the David P. Abbott Award at the annual Wizard’s Banquet on January 21st. This is the highest award my Assembly gives, and the criteria for receiving the award are very high. I am both honored and humbled, and I promise to do all that I can to live up to this award.

Now, on to the exciting news …

We have our own Facebook Page!!! It’s “S.A.M. Midwest RVP”. I’ll be putting S.A.M. news, convention information, Midwest magic news, magic-related fun stuff, etc. on there whenever the stuff becomes available. This means you’ll be getting information in a more timely manner. I’ll still do the newsletter, but I think this will be a nice enhancement. I promise you that I won’t be posting anything about what I’m eating, or inviting you to play Farmville or anything like that. So tell your magician friends about it and let’s have some fun on Facebook!

So, have you signed up for the S.A.M. Convention in Las Vegas yet? If not, you missed out on saving $25. The registration fee is now $250 (I warned you.) Here’s another warning for you … the fee goes up again on April 1st. No this isn’t an early April Fool’s Day joke. On April 1st, registration goes up to $275. Even at that price, it’s a heck of a deal. Rooms at the Golden Nugget are $45. No, that’s not a typo. $45. An upgraded room is $55. And if you want to really be a high-roller, a room in the Rush Tower, which is about 20% larger than the other rooms is a whopping $75 dollars. Seriously, any way you slice it or dice it, this convention is a bargain. Oh yeah, and treat yourself to the banquet for an extra $70. You’ll be glad you did. Trust me. Go to to register.

Speaking of the Convention … the Stars of Tomorrow show is looking for young performers. If you know someone age 7 through 17 who would like to perform at the S.A.M. Convention in Las Vegas, have them get in touch with Marlene Clark. This is a paid gig. But not only will they get paid, they’ll get two free convention registrations plus a one year membership in the Society of Young Magicians. Last year, Vincent Villamonte did a fine job of representing the Midwest in the Stars of Tomorrow show and I’d really like to have another young talent represent us in Las Vegas. On a personal note, I always enjoy seeing the Stars of Tomorrow show at the Convention. It’s gratifying to see young performers who are so enthralled with magic. If you go to the convention, make sure that you see this show. More information about applying for the Stars of Tomorrow show can be found at

The next National Council meeting is March 17th in Philadelphia. Yes, I’m planning on being there. I haven’t missed a National Council meeting since I became the RVP 2½ years ago. If there are any issues you want me to bring up to the National Council, now is the time to let me know.

Let me leave you with one more nugget of S.A.M. information. I encourage you to visit the S.A.M. Gifts & Insignia Page. You’ll find S.A.M. clothing, wands, cards, pins, cuff links, tie bars, scarves, hats, cups … the list goes on and on. It’s a great way to show off your membership in the S.A.M.

That’s all for this month. Have a happy and safe February and remember to check out the S.A.M. Midwest RVP Facebook page.

Yours in M-U-M,
Jeff Sikora
S.A.M. Midwest RVP

Meeting Announcements

Hot chili and a surprise guest at this Friday’s meeting

We will be meeting on Friday, February 17, 2012. This month Sandy Meyer will treat us to a preview performance of her new clown character’s 15 minute show followed by chili. She says, “Come prepared to fill your belly with chili and laughs (get it … belly laughs?).”

Coming up in March, we will begin a new learning series where members are encouraged to bring any tips they may have on presentation or technique for a classic trick or prop like Cut & Restored Rope, Change Bag, Linking Rings, Dove Pan, Professor’s Nightmare, Chinese Sticks, Scotch & Soda, Sleeve Bouquet, Flash Paper, Sponge Balls, Liquid Tricks, and Thumbtip. Please respond with suggestions for other topics to include in the series, and tell us which one you think should be the topic for March.

Meeting Announcements

See you at the January meeting

We will be meeting this Friday, January 20, 2012. Bring a trick to share.

M-U-M Reports

Dec 2011 Meeting

Our assembly had a very small, intimate group in December.  After a short meeting, Mike performed Sugar Rush (Search YouTube for “Sugar Rush”). Adam performed Daniel Garcia’s iCard. Larry added that the principle behind iCard comes from a Harry Anderson trick. The last 90 minutes was spent in interesting conversation and well-wishing.

Meeting Announcements

December meeting tomorrow night.

We will be meeting Friday, December 16, 2011. The theme for the month is “Anything Goes!” Hey, we wouldn’t want to restrict your creativity. See you tomorrow!

Meeting Announcements

November meeting this Friday

We will be meeting this Friday, November 18, 2011. The theme will be inspiration. Perform a trick you were inspired to invent/learn, or say a few words about someone in magic who inspires you. We will also wrap up important club business lingering from the spring.