M-U-M Reports Meeting Report

April Meeting Minutes

Paul Ladig gets ready to perform

a miracle for the group.

Magic Brad Gudim and Manny Betinis look on. 

Prior to performances, we paid tribute to Bill Von Stocken who recently passed away. Bill, aka Darnay, mentored Justin Flom (as a young magian) who created a brief video tour of the theater, pictures of magicians, props and books that Darnay kept in the basement of his home. It was a very sentimental memory.

We then discussed creating a “Tribute Page” of deceased SAM members to add to our website. Even though the idea was enthusiastically embraced, there were a lot of questions about how to handle the information and what should be included. So a committee headed up by Greg Broder was created to explore details and how to proceed. Steve Peer, who first suggested the idea, Adam Moore our web administrator, and Larry Kahlow will also be members.

Tom O’Lenick and David Stahl reported on their recent trip to work as Stage Manager and Production Supervisor for the 50th Annual Academy of Magical Arts (Magic Castle) Awards Show. David Copperfield was named “Magician of the Decade.” Numerous Showroom and Fellowship Awards were presented by Dick Van Dyke, Paul Reubens, John Gaughn, Mike Caveney, Michael Carbanaro and others. Notable recipients included Richard Turner, Johnny “Ace” Palmer, Shoot Ogawa, Collector Ken Klosterman, Historian Peter Lane and Shimada. Comedian and television personality Larry Wilmore was the host and Erika Larsen, Past President of the AMA was the Executive Producer.

The group also approved a lecture by Magician Steve Marshall on Tuesday, Sept. 18th. Steve, a former MUM columnist has appeared on Penn and Teller’s Fool Us and now lives in Japan. Mark your calendars. This will be a free event for SAM members. For all others admission will be $20.

“Rising cards and other ways to cause a card to magically leave the deck,” was the theme for our April Assembly meeting. Larry Kahlow started the performances by showing a technique for making a card rise from the deck using his little finger. Then, Paul Ladig showed a clever trick using a plexiglass holder with a rod penetrating the center. When the rod was removed, the deck “plopped” down and left the selected card rising out of the deck. David Stahl performed a Devano style rising cards finding two selected cards. Tom O’Lenick demonstrated Cardiographic Lite by Martin Lewis.

Treats were provided by Paul Ladig, Jerry Martin, Tom O’Lenick and Jennifer Kahlow. Magical socializing followed for about another hour.


Chatting after the meeting with Larry Kahlow, Brad Gudim,

David Stahl and Tom O’Lenick.


Meeting Report

February SAM Assembly #12 Meeting Report


Despite a heavy snowfall early in the day, a small but vital group of magicians attended the February SAM Assemble #12 monthly meeting. We also welcomed two guests. Jason and Carter Moore, the sons of our Treasurer Adam Moore who attended with their Dad. They saw lots of magic up close and personal.

 Performances included Paul Cook who showed “Holey Moley” (by Jay Sankey) where the hole in one of two washers magically moved to join the hole on the other washer. Magic Brad Gudim did a classic coins across effect. Host Larry Kahlow demonstrated a few sleight of hand coin moves using half dollars and a pocket handkerchief. Larry also showed a classic “Coin Thru” to the kids. Adam Moore did a coin effect and showed a recent purchase of a Fantasma Magic “Pen Thru Dollar” that he found at a Dollar Store.
In keeping with the theme – “Paper Money or Coin Magic” President Tom O’Lenick performed the “Bag 4 Life” where a quarter magically is removed from a small plastic bag leaving a penny inside. He also showed the “Wonderland Bill” a topological trick (where a dollar bill magically turns around) created by Nick Brown  For the Teach-A-Trick portion of the meeting O’Lenick did a “Topsy-Turvy Dollar Bill” effect where alternating dollar bills were reversed and yet the presidents kept returning to the same face up orientation.
During the business meeting the group approved a donation of $100 to support the American Museum of Magic in Marshall, Michigan originally established by Bob and Elaine Lund.
We also agreed to change the dates of the April and May meetings (so as not to conflict with other magic events) to one week later than the regular monthly meeting day (third Friday). The April meeting will now be April 27 and then in May on May 25. Please update you calendars. The March meeting date will remain on the third Friday, Mar 16. The theme will be: “Magic with Things You’d find in a Casino.” 
Magic conversations and yummy cookies and other treats followed prepared and presented by host Jennifer Kahlow. Until soon, best magical wishes, TomOL

Thanks to the magic vendors that provide gifts to the group. ; and

Meeting Announcements

May Meeting Date Change

The May meeting will be held on May 25th.

Meeting Report

January Auction Meeting Report

The January meeting, our annual magic auction, was very well attended with more than 25 magicians and a few guests all looking for great deals on tricks, props, cards and kits that others no longer wanted. Assembly #12 benefited by receiving 10 per cent of all purchases and by encouraging that the member’s dues was current. Guests paid $5 to participate. We had 23 buyers and sellers who generated sales of almost $650. Many popular items sold for as little as $1. The most expensive trick sold for just over $40. There were even some surprise free give aways (instructions not included-figure it out yourself). I’m sure every one took something new home and are practicing right now. I hope they’re getting ready to perform an the next SAM #12 meeting.

Special thanks to Adam Moore who was responsible for coordinating the financials of the auction and to former Minnesotan Geoff Williams for creating the computer program that tracks all of the sales.

Monthly refreshments were thoughtfully provided by Paul Ladig (sandwiches); Tom O’Lenick (popcorn) and, of course, hostess Jennifer Kahlow (soda, brownies and cookies). Please remember that members are encouraged to bring a snack to share with the group at each meeting.

Also, as a reminder, The Assembly #12 February meeting date has been moved back one week to Friday, February 23 at 7pm because of a travel conflict with our hosts, Jennifer and Larry Kahlow of Eagle Magic and Joke Store who will be on an anniversary cruise at the time of our regular meeting. Be sure to put the new date in your calendar and be sure to attend. The theme will be “Paper Money and Coin Magic Tricks.” There will be a drawing for magic provided by our magic dealer friends (, and ) if you perform for the group!

Meeting Announcements

October Meeting

SAM Oct Mtg

Perform a favorite trick that calls on the mystical magical spirits, the eerie, occult, or otherwise spooky magician helpers during this Halloween season.
As usual, there will be drawings for cool magic gifts graciously donated by these special magic dealers:

  • or
  • for performances and attendance.

Mark you calendar now and be there! Society of American Magicians, Assembly 12 meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Friday of September through May at Eagle Magic, 11995 County Road 11, Burnsville, MN (4 lights east of 35W on Hwy 13, southeast corner right under the Remax sign). Bring potluck “snacks” to share.

Meeting Report

June 16th Meeting Report

Pictured: (clockwise from upper left) – Tom O’Lenick, Larry Kahlow,

Paul Cook, Kevin Smith and Paul Black; (center) Jerry Martin.

A June meeting was added to our regular meeting schedule (Sept to May). To make it special, we started off with a social hour and picnic/bbq prior to the magic. Thanks to President Tom O’Lenick who provided brats/dogs and buns which we grilled outside our Eagle Magic Store meeting location. Other members brought various chips, soda, water, adult beverages, deserts and ice cream that were graciously shared.

Following a brief business meeting, we debriefed about recent local lectures (Ken Dyne and Eugene Burger) and the regional AbraCORNdabra convention that many attended. The group also was reminded of the upcoming free lecture by Max Krause sponsored jointly by the SAM and IBM groups.

The theme for the month was “Newspaper Magic.” The performers included:
Paul Cook and Steve Peer who each did clever variations of a newspaper clip line effect. Kevin Smith (with the help of Paul Black) identified the selected card by ultimately snipping four diamond shapes from a small piece of newspaper. Using a folded sheet of newspaper, Larry Kahlow was able to tear silhouettes of three chosen cards from the paper. Greg Broder shared a paper tear that created a Christian message using the word “Hell” and formed a “Cross.” Finally, Paul Ladig showed a comic newspaper headline that he uses when he performs the Wrist Chopper.

For “Teach-a-Trick,” Tom O’Lenick demonstrated another Newspaper Test (clip line type effect). First, the newspaper column was cut at the point chosen by Jerry Martin. He then picked a word from a few lines near the “cut point.” That thought of word was revealed by O’Lenick, as well as the sentence that contained the word. Historical reference: The original idea of a “Newspaper Test” was first published in 1964 by Albert Spackman in the British magic magazine “The Gen.”

Now a message from our sponsors! Greg Broder won the drawing for a performance prize donated by Steve Goshman of; Jerry Martin won the attendance prize donated by Paul Gross of

SAM Assembly #12 will be on hiatus through the summer months. Our next meeting will be on Friday, September 22. If your travel brings you to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, please attend the meeting. Until soon, best magical wishes, TomOL


Meeting Report

May 12 Meeting Minutes

Following the SAM business (committee reports, upcoming conventions, lectures, Good and Welfare updates); during the Teach-a-Trick portion of the meeting President Tom O’Lenick showed a drawing pad effect appropriate for children’s shows. The assistant selects an image from a small note pad containing about 50 images of easily recognized colored designs. When the prediction was opened it contained a duplicate of the chosen design. A utility prop know as a “Sven Pad” was used and the method is variation on the well know Svengali Principle.

Tonight performers each showed tricks related to the theme “ESP, Mentalism and Mindreading.” Paul Ladig demonstrated “Future Mental” where one of three chosen colored balls vanished from a closed wooden box and end up in his pocket. Larry Kahlow used a Color Vision Cube in a different way that fooled many. Adam Moore chose a volunteer that somehow knew exactly what he had on his mind. Then, Drew Hansen demonstrated how he could find the card a person was thinking of.

Sandwiches that were provided by Paul Ladig and snacks, soda, water and coffee by others were prepared by Jennifer Kahlow and enjoyed while everybody talked about magic with each other for the rest of the evening.

Before everyone left, we conducted the drawing for this month’s attendance prizes. The “give-aways” were donated by Max Krause of; And, Andi Gladwin of Congratulations to the winners, Kevin Smith, Paul Ladig and Drew Hansen.

The group also voted to hold an additional monthly meeting on June 16th (third Friday of the month). We will get together earlier than usual (6 o’clock) and grill brats outside the store for supper. Join us when the theme will be: Your favorite trick with a Newspaper. I wonder who will perform Gene Anderson’s Newspaper Tear?

Upper Left: Drew Hansen. Upper Right: Larry Kahlow
Center: SAM members (left to right): Tom O’Lenick, Steve Peer, Paul Black, Drew Hansen, Kevin Smith, Brad Gudim, Larry Kahlow, Paul Ladig, Paul Cook, Jerry Martin, Adam Moore. Bottom: Kevin Smith and Adam Moore.

Meeting Announcements

November Meeting

This Friday, at our meeting, we have a theme and a tip.

The theme is impromptu coin magic. Bring your first or best non-gaffed coin trick. Or one you are working on.

The tip is anything you have learned and are willing to share around linking rings.

Meeting Announcements

Bring your change bag to this Friday’s meeting.

At our meeting on Friday, March 16, 2012, we will begin a new learning series where members are encouraged to bring any tips they may have on presentation or technique for a classic trick or prop. The topic for this month is change bags. Bring your change bags large and small, one- and two-handed, two- and three-way, with and without a zipper, traditional style and disguised as something normal (change cap anyone?). Then …

  • demonstrate any unique features,
  • offer a tip on handling this prop,
  • perform a routine that uses it,
  • talk about its history or that of change bags in general, or
  • recommend a related book or DVD.

Looking for ideas? Check out “Time for a Change” on page 52 of the January 2012 issue of M-U-M.

Whether or not you have anything change bag-related, come ready to learn something new and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow magicians.

S.A.M. Midwest Region

March S.A.M. Midwest RVP Newsletter

Unfortunately, it looks like the horrible weather we experienced last year is picking up where it left off. In just the last few days there have been reports of damaging tornadoes throughout the Midwest as well as in other parts of the country. If areas near you are affected, I urge you to do what you can to help out. Donating shows for fundraisers is wonderful. So is donating clothing, household items, labor and blood.

If you should find yourself personally affected by a disaster, remember that the S.A.M. may be able to help you. The S.A.M. offers assistance to magicians and allied artists through the Disaster Relief Fund. This is offered through the S.A.M. Magic Endowment Fund and is available to all magicians and allied artists (clowns, jugglers, ventriloquists, etc.). You do NOT need to be a member of the S.A.M. to apply for assistance. If you’ve lost property or magic props due to a disaster, contact For injury or illness aide, apply to the Houdini Fund by contacting For more information on these programs, visit the S.A.M. website at These programs are just two of the many reasons why I am proud to be a member of the S.A.M.

Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. What a great way to keep in touch! There are three Facebook pages you should be a part of. First is the S.A.M. Midwest RVP group. This is where I’ll keep you posted on the latest breaking news in the S.A.M. along with magical happenings in the Midwest. You can also post any news you have from your area and any other magic-related tidbits. You’ll also want to go to S.A.M. Compeers (Unofficial). Although it says “Unofficial”, it really is the OFFICIAL Facebook page. There’s a ton of interesting stuff on this page. Enjoy. Finally, the S.A.M. 2012 Annual Conference page will keep you up-to-date on the fantastic convention in Las Vegas this Summer.

Convention Registration Rates Increase On April 1st! No, this isn’t my attempt at an April Fool’s Day joke. Register for the convention now at the low price of just $250. After April 1st, it goes up to $275. Just last week it was announced that Fielding West is going to be the Master of Ceremonies at the convention’s gala show. Fielding is on the cover of this month’s Magic Magazine and is one of the funniest magicians you’ll ever see.

Other convention news: Convention information has been updated on the S.A.M. App. If you don’t have it, get it for free at the iTunes App Store. The convention is still looking for young talent to perform in the Stars of Tomorrow show at the convention. They’re looking for both close-up and stage performers. If you know someone between the ages of 7 and 17, have them (or their parents) get in touch with Marlene Clark. The Stars of Tomorrow application and information can be found at If you or your Assembly wants to run an ad in the 2012 Convention Program, the deadline to do so is April 23rd. These ads can congratulate officers, recognize David Copperfield as the honoree of the convention or promote your show, your product or your Assembly. Rates are very reasonable, too. Contact the program editor, David Goodsell at

I’d like to echo something that S.A.M. President Vinny Grosso mentioned in his article in this month’s M-U-M. I urge you to go out of your way to order something from one of our advertisers and then let them know you saw their ad in M-U-M. I just received a Bunny Tear Surprise that I ordered from I think it will be a great addition to my kid’s shows around Easter. I have my eye on a few other things advertised in M-U-M and when I buy, I’ll make sure I let the advertiser know that their ad is working. It’s a great way to prove the value of advertising in M-U-M.

There are a couple of great smaller conventions happening in the Midwest. The Branson Magic Bonanza is April 26-28 in Branson, Missouri. They always have a great line-up of acts and lecturers. Marty and Brenda Hahn do a wonderful job putting this convention on every year and it’s a lot of fun. Plus, it’s in Branson, which is a fun place to be anyway. Unfortunately, I’m unable to attend this year because of scheduling conflicts. However, I will be at AbraCORNdabra in Altoona, Iowa (just outside of Des Moines) May 18-20. Last year was the first year for this convention and they really hit it out of the park. Steve Daly is the driving force behind this convention and last year I was so impressed with everything. In fact, he asked for criticism of the convention, and the worst thing I could come up with was that there wasn’t a pitcher of water on a back table during one of the lectures. Seriously … that was the WORST thing. If you decide to go to AbraCORNdabra, look for me. I’d love to meet (or re-meet) you.

On March 17th I’m going to be representing you at the S.A.M. National Council meeting in Philadelphia. I’m sure I’m going to come back with lots of interesting news. So, you can either wait two weeks to find out about it in my next newsletter, or you can find out about it immediately on the S.A.M. Midwest RVP Facebook page.

I hope you, your family and your Assembly has a fun, profitable and safe month.

— Jeff Sikora
S.A.M. Midwest Regional Vice President