Meeting Announcements

January Hybrid Meeting!

Happy New Year!! It’s time for the SAM Assembly #12 Hybrid meeting!

We’re meeting on Friday, January 17, at 7:00 PM. Our theme this month, chosen by December attendees, in anticipation of next month’s holiday, is “Magic with Heart! (Or Valentine Magic)” We never get to use this theme during February because of the auction (see below), so this year we’re doing something different…

We’ll meet at Eagle Magic and Joke Store. (Eagle Magic is in Burnsville, MN, 4 lights east of 35W on Hwy 13, southeast corner, next door to the BP gas station.) Bring potluck snacks to share. Connection information for the virtual view of the meeting will be sent before the meeting.

See you on Friday, either in person or online!

P.S. Annual Auction–gather items to sell next month!

We are hosting an auction in February, and now’s the time to find the magic props, books, videos, collectibles, etc. that you’d like to sell. This will help give your fellow magicians a nice selection of items to bid on and, the more you sell, the more new-to-you treasures you can win!