M-U-M Reports

March 2024 Meeting Report

We started a new annual SAM12 tradition at our March meeting: Movie Night! Around 20 members joined us at Discovery United Methodist Church, in person and via Zoom.

Big Screen. Popcorn. The movie: Billy Topit. Special guest: Lance Burton!

Lance joined us via Zoom from his farm in Kentucky to introduce his movie. It’s about a Las Vegas kid’s magician, played by Lance Burton, who’s just trying to impress the cute waitress and ends up getting mixed up with the mob. Spoiler alert: It all works out in the end. The movie was jam-packed with cameos from Lance’s magician friends, and he challenged us to find as many as we could as we watched. We all enjoyed the movie and the popcorn.

Lance then joined us after the movie and answered our many questions. Big thanks to Lance Burton! He was very personable, had great stories, and answered all our (sometimes odd/silly) questions.

Special thanks to Adam Moore and Sandy Meyer for organizing the event!

You never know who’s going to show up at a SAM12 meeting. Join us won’t you? Get the full scoop at See you next month!

Look for this in the May 2024 issue of M-U-M