M-U-M Reports

January 2024 Meeting Report

Welcome to 2024 everyone! Let’s make it a magical year! Fourteen magicians attended our January 19th meeting at Eagle Magic. Our theme was “Things You Found While Going Through Your Stuff For the Auction.”

During the business portion, we discussed who’s attending AbraCORNdabra in Iowa this year and the lineup of lecturers and performers. Several members of SAM 12 are planning on attending and are hoping for another great convention.

Paul Ladig is performing from his basement stage and got written up in the local paper recently, leading to more business. Old-school advertising for an old-school magician! BlackSmith Magic (SAM12 President Kevin Smith and SAM12 Scribe Paul Sedler) performed for an 8-year-old’s birthday party, with 16 kids and a handful of adults in attendance. Good show! Manny Betinis has been performing at various parties…for free. He’s just there. Might as well perform, right? The Amazing Hondo lecture is happening this weekend at Eagle Magic.

Peter Grendle joined us from the Minnesota Jewish Community Center. He’s hoping to put together a Houdini celebration in June and is looking for some help. That got us all talking about Houdini and things that can be done to help celebrate Houdini’s 150th birthday.

On to performances and show and tell: Eagle Magic owner and SAM12 Vice President Larry Kalow performed the Deception Paddle. Colored pips on a metal paddle. Larry says Eagle is the only place you can buy it right now. SAM12 Treasurer Adam Moore shared an old cigar box with some vintage magical treasures he got from his dad. Really cool! Paul Ladig performed a coin-in-glass vanish combined with his Mullica Wallet. The evening ended with the usual refreshments and socializing.

Next month is our annual auction! Sell some of your unwanted magic to other fellow magicians. Join us in person at Eagle Magic. More info at

Look for this in the March 2024 issue of M-U-M