It’s time once again for a virtual assembly meeting, June 19th at 7:00!
This month, we have a couple of special guests!

The Other Brothers (Darryl Davis and Daryl Williams), of Abstract Effects, will be stopping by for the first 45 minutes or so.
They’ve offered to talk about their new magic and give us a bit of a lecture!
After the visit from the Other Brothers, we’ll do yet another Show and Tell—perform something you’re working on, do a book report, or just tell us a story.
As always, our Zoom room is courtesy of the SAM National Council and President Joel Zaritsky.
The connection info for the Zoom conference room follows:
Topic: Assembly #12 Video Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 19, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 2952 3692
Password: 661576
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Meeting ID: 874 2952 3692
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